Bundling With Vampires eBook

(2 reviews)

Douglas Wilson

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Find out how Stephanie Meyer's teen bestseller Twilight is "a manual for abused women."

Besides delving into all the amusing aesthetic dreck, these reviews demonstrate how Twilight equips and motivates girls to get themselves deep into abusive relationships. The ebook also includes Wilson's Huffington Post article "50 Shades of Prey," which explains why it's no accident that the "mommy-porn" S&M bestseller 50 Shades of Grey began as Twilight fan-fiction.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
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I thought that the author examines the heart behind current entertainment in this book. I’ve recommended it to many of my friends. The content is unique in that it calls sin sin, I have not found another believer to agree with me on this topic let alone write a book about it! I’m very grateful that I read this when I did, it’s good for young women to be challenged to examine their hearts. We are not encouraged to do that often, especially on these topics. And the author may be the only man in my life who has taken the task of being a ‘shepherd’ to warn me in this area—he’s a good leader of his church because he tells the truth.

That said, though I recognized the truth in what he was saying, I think a few of the reasons ‘why’ could have been elaborated more on. Like I see that she wants destruction when she likes the protagonist but why does she? Or what are some 1st steps to desiring something better?

But all in all 10 out of 10

Abigail H.

Bundling With Vampires eBook

ends may 13

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