The Canon Journal

All of Christ for All of Life

What Are Women for? (Part 2)

It is a dishonor to treat men and women as interchangeable parts, and ironically, it is a strike at their fundamental equality as image bearers. Men and women are not...

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A Walk Through a Christian Wedding

What is a Wedding? If the world is busy seeking to press us into their mold, it should not come as a surprise that they are running plays in less...

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Marriage for Glory #1: the Foundation of a Christian Marriage

The grace of God in Jesus Christ orders our loves. Marriage is momentous. It is near the top of the list of life changing events. But knowing God through Jesus...

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Marriage for Glory #2: What Does It Mean to Be the Head of Your Wife?

What does it mean to be the head of your wife? A husband is called by God to be the head of his wife by ministering the grace of Jesus...

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Marriage for Glory #3: What Does It Mean to “Obey” Your Husband?

The temptation we have is to spend all our time on the exceptions and difficult cases – explaining everything “obedience to husbands” does not mean, but as important as that is, it...

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Marriage for Glory #4: How is Christian Marriage a Light for the World?

When we think of the task of evangelism, Christian marriage is not off topic. But the gospel should make us bold to lean into this glory not shy away from...

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What Are Men for? (Part 2)

It’s not enough to say that men were made to be strong, we must ask what that strength looks like. As Christian men, we ground our understanding of manhood in...

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What Are Men for? (Part 1)

Men, your temptations and sins are the same as your biological father Adam. You are afraid of consequences; you give up when it looks hard; you resent hard work; you...

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