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Learning Contentment: A Study for Ladies of Every Age

(23 reviews)

Nancy Wilson


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Book details

Nancy Wilson has been a pastor's wife and homemaker in Moscow, Idaho for more than thirty years. She is the author of a number of books including True Companion, Building Her House, The Fruit of Her Hands, and Praise Her in the Gates, and a regular contributor to feminagirls.com. She and her husband Douglas have three children and seventeen grandchildren, which makes for some crazy Sabbath dinners.

Look Inside the Book

PUBLISHER: Canon Press

AUTHOR: Nancy Wilson

PAGE COUNT: 134 pages

SIZE: 5.5x8.5"

BINDING: Paperback

ISBN-10: 1944503897

ISBN-13: 9781944503895

PUB. DATE: May 2, 2017

Media: Paperback

Contentment is not a boring virtue, it is a miracle and a mystery.

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We tend to think being "stressed out" is a normal state of affairs, and that contentment means sitting back and just bottling things up. For the Christian, however, contentment is something we must apply, work at, and make our own in every circumstance, because anxiety and frustration are not neutral behaviors.

It is certainly easier to go with our natural impulses when times are very hard or even just "annoying," but contentment is an important part of our Christian life. Even the apostle Paul had to "learn" contentment. So we shouldn't wonder why we're still in spiritual kindergarten—repeating the same lessons over and over again—if we haven't given ourselves to study contentment. Thankfully, every test God gives on contentment is open book (even the pop quizzes!).

In Learning Contentment, Nancy Wilson looks to the Bible and Puritans like Jeremiah Burroughs, Samuel Rutherford, Thomas Watson, and Charles Spurgeon to help us develop the practical, spiritual strength and the perspective that comes from contentment's deep satisfaction with the will of God. This encouraging little book follows after Nancy Wilson's Virtuous: A Study for Ladies of Every Age. Learning Contentment includes concise explanations, application questions and assignments that will involve and challenge everyone, and lots of biblical wisdom for individuals and groups.

You can also purchase this as an audiobook here, on audible,* on SCRIBD, and wherever audiobooks are sold.

* All purchases made through this link will earn us a small commission through Amazon Associates, an affiliate program.

From the Book:

"We often think contentment is something that happens to us, rather than something that we take pains to learn. We assume that if we are not naturally disposed to be that way, then it’s fine to have a fiery temper or a sharp tongue. We make excuses for our behavior. After all, we tell ourselves, our parents had anger issues. So we accept the fact that we will have them too. And it’s easier to just go with our natural impulses and get 'stressed out' by all the drama in our lives. But this is false: Each of us can learn contentment, and each of us should learn contentment. It is an important part of our Christian life. It is not optional.
This requires work. We are going to have to give ourselves to our lessons and study contentment. We have to pay attention. Otherwise, there’s not much hope of gaining contentment. We can learn it, but not without spiritual and mental attentiveness. Even the apostle Paul said he learned contentment, so there’s no reason to suppose that we can get it without any learning."

Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews
Shanna S.

Canon Press provided quick shipping and minimal, reusable packaging. We are so thankful to start this book in our first-ever, women’s Bible study at our church! Thank you Nancy Wilson for your faithfulness to God’s Word. Your obedience in teaching women is reaching folks all over the country, in unimaginable ways. God is GOOD!

Cindy H.
Learning Contentment

An excellent book that points us back to God's word and His exhortation to be content in all circumstances.

Madison W.

I just finished this book and decided to buy it for a friend. I highly recommend!! Such great truths for trusting in the Lord and a great resource for any woman at any age!

Jennifer R.
Led to a Breakthrough

This book is so powerful because contentment is so powerful. I had been struggling with some relationship issues for about a year when I found this book. I read it three times, then read it to my husband and my kids and gave it to my best friend. God used the wisdom in this book, which comes from His Word, and set me free from the prison of discontentment. Now I am more joyful, peaceful and loving than I have ever been. I am looking at my circumstances as God’s all-wise and loving will for me. I am gladly surrendering the hardest things in my life to Him. So thankful for this book.

Krystal Q.
I have much to learn

Beautifully written and organized. I thought I was a pretty content person until I read this book and realized there’s so much more to contentment than not wanting an abundance of material things. I have much to learn in the school of contentment. Thanks Nancy, for using your gifts to edify the body.

Hannah V.

Great encouragement for singles and anyone really in any season in life. Satan loves to steal our joy by making us discontent.

Thais D.G.
Warm Encouragement and Convicting Powerful Truths

Reading through this book, I am simultaneously encouraged and deeply convicted. I’m spurred on to love and good deeds!

Jacki M.

Listened to this book twice on Canon+ and now reading it with a friend from church. I could read it a few more times after this and still glean wisdom. I'll return to it often. Very thankful. God is kind.

Magy G.

Just the intro is convicting! Only a couple chapters in and I know I’ll be re-reading this over and over.

Sherrin R.

Learning Contentment: A Study for Ladies of Every Age

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