Protestant Politics, Then and Now


Canon Press

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To be clear, we won't beg you to do the reading.

You do have to deconstruct the wuss calculus that keeps many pontificating on "the everything app" but politicking nothing of note in your county for Christ.

These books are for Christians who want a robust Christian political theory they can read, internalize, and put into action. 

  • If you have a tidy view of all things Romans 13, prepare to have that view rocked by how biblically literate our ancestors were, and by how biblically illiterate our current ‘cultural engagement’ leadership has been. We are not the ones in submission to Scripture on these issues. Expect this reading Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos on resistance, Christian Political Action in an Age of Revolution for how Christians can politick in heated times, and Lex Rex on biblical grounds for rebellion against tyrants.
  • In the present day, The Case for Christian Nationalism will renew your mind and revitalize a man's T-levels and will for a Christian nation. 
  • And Mere Christendom pushes the quintessential confession that Christ is Lord into the corners.

These books will not fight your battles for you. But you'll have a clearer head with your Christian forefathers in your corner.

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