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No Mere Mortals: Marriage for People Who Will Live Forever

(33 reviews)

Toby J. Sumpter


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Book details

Toby Sumpter is a pastor at Christ Church, founding co-host of the CrossPolitic show and podcast, and author of Job Through New Eyes: A Son for Glory and Blood Bought World. He writes regularly at his blog Having Two Legs. He and his wife, Jenny, live in Moscow, Idaho, with their four children.

AUTHOR: Toby Sumpter 

PAGE COUNT: 220 pages

SIZE: 5.5x8.5"

SKU: F-223

PRICE: $18.95


ISBN-10: 1952410622

ISBN-13: 9781952410628

PUB. DATE: December 1, 2020


Media: Audiobook

A man should look at his wife or fiancée and gasp.

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Look Inside the Workbook

Do you know what God has given you (or is in the process of giving you)?

That woman, that terrifying, glorious woman made in His image, was created by God and redeemed with the precious blood of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in her. She is of immense value to God. She is precious to Him. She is His daughter, an heir of the promise, a co-heir of the grace of life with you.

Do you feel that?

Does it make your chest knot up?

Do you get a little bit afraid? Maybe a lot afraid?

Good. Hold that pose.

In recent decades, we have reduced marriage to a permanent roommate situation with sexual benefits. But marriage is not about something as low-stakes as “who gets to control the remote.”

Your husband or wife is no mere mortal, but an eternal soul who is going to grow closer to God or further from Him because they are married to you. Add children to the mix—even more eternal souls!

That’s why the biblical picture of the family is something far more powerful, far more dangerous, far more glorious—far more like a nuclear reactor than anything else in modern society.

You can purchase as an audiobook or listen on Audible.*

* All purchases made through this link will earn us a small commission through Amazon Associates, an affiliate program.

This book is for you if you're: 


You just got married and you’re wanting to make sure the cement dries and the foundation is plumb.

Married for years

You’re looking for some retooling, a refresher, a little brush-up on this whole marriage thing.

Married and in trouble

You’re looking for real, clear help. Now.


You’re just engaged and looking to start off your new life together on the right path.

Here's what you'll get in this book.

  1. Biblical foundations for the covenant of marriage
    1. Marry in the Lord 
      The true blessing of Christian marriage
    2. Rightly Ordered Love Life
      The priorities of Christian reverence
    3. Taking Out the Garbage
      The differences and duties of forgiveness and trust
    4. Covenant Asymmetry 
      The freedom and splendor of God-ordained roles
  2. A clear understanding of his headship and her submission - Ephesians 5:22-33
    1. Submission in the Lord
      The free commitment to a husband’s authority
    2. Don’t Shipwreck the Headship
      The man’s role to assume and speak as the authority
    3. Going into the Fire First 
      The glory of a husband ready to die and lead first
    4. Water of the Word
      The mystery of marriage and responsibility to nourish and cherish a wife
  3. Wisdom to stay faithful and obedient when marriage gets difficult- 1 Peter 3:1-7
    1. Deeper Magic, Deeper Power
      The wisdom and power of God in your weakness
    2. How to Win a Man
      The virtues that catch and win a man without a word
    3. Biblical Beauty
      The beauty of a woman dying and rising daily in Christ
    4. Whose Daughters You Are
      The fruitful obedience and motherhood of the daughters of Sarah
    5. Dwelling with Knowledge
      The understanding and intimacy between husband and wife
    6. Strength to Honor the Weaker Vessel
      The strength and prayers of a man for her honorable weakness
  4. Answers to big questions about sex, divorce, weddings, compatibility, and more 
    1. Babies, Birth Control, and Barrenness
      The wisdom of life “better than” foolishness
    2. How Far Is Too Far?
      The preparation today for your practices tomorrow
    3. What Do You Think About….?
      The expectations and answers every engaged couple must have
    4. What the Bible Says about Divorce
      The defense and violence of divorce and moving on
    5. A Theology of Wedding & Receptions
      The essentials and meaning of a covenant in community
    6. Sample Wedding Ceremony
      The elements of the ceremony


The No Mere Mortals workbook contains:  

  • Discussion questions to No Mere Mortals
  • Space for you both to record your answers 
  • Activities
  • Takeaways and highlights
  • Additional "study the Word" sections for each chapter. 
  • A suggested premarital counseling guide to take couples through No Mere Mortals in eight weeks. 

No Mere Mortals: Marriage for People Who Will Live Forever shows how husbands can lead their wives, and how wives can follow their husbands, and how both together, building on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, can shape future generations and the world.

Customer Reviews

Based on 33 reviews
Chris C.

No Mere Mortals: Marriage for People Who Will Live Forever


No Mere Mortals: Marriage for People Who Will Live Forever


Truly enjoyed this book. Read it and then started it again with my wife and she’s enjoying it as well

Mrs L.R.D.
The hope and glory!!

It is with great delight, pleasure, and fortitude that I review this book. Tobys sermons and book, along with the accompanying workbook, have fundamentally changed our marriage towards glory and have had great weight in our home. Thank you Toby and Canon Press for this delightful and direct, instructive and intelligent, hopeful and helpful tome. Faithfull blessings to all who receive this resource!


It’s wonderful!!!


Best book!! Truly life changing

Rachel L.
Love it!

Highly recommend!


Good stuff in here

A third purchase

I listened to this on Canon+, my husband bought a copy, and this copy was for a wedding gift. I hope to buy many more as I am sure no married couple can ignore the bold truths Pastor Toby shares. The best marriage book I’ve read.

Beth A.
Such a good read

No Mere Mortals has been one of the absolute best books on marriage I have read. Toby Sumpter does a masterful job at giving you a full, rich view on God’s good design of marriage. He writes with boldness, truth, and timeliness — which is lacking in so many books on the topic. He hits the nail right on the head. To anyone considering reading it — do not hesitate! I’ve already read it three times and it just gets better with each read. If you were to only have one book on marriage in your library, this would be it.

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