Makers of History: Julius Caesar

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Jacob Abbott

Book details

AUTHOR: Jacob Abbott

PAGE COUNT: 179 pages

SIZE: 5.25x8.25"

BINDING: Paperback

ISBN 10: 1591280605

ISBN-13: 9781591280606

PUB. DATE: 2010

"I came, I saw, I conquered."

Look Inside the Book

So spake Julius Caesar, describing his famous victory after crossing the Rubicon river and bringing an army to Rome. Get ready to be hooked by the complete story of his life -- and learn about one of history's most famous emperors (although not in name) at the same time! Caesar's military exploits brought great glory to Rome, but he is most famous for bringing a decisive end to the Roman Republic and for dying a death that also changed all human history and led to the historical situation into which Jesus Christ entered history. The stories in this book were known by adults for centuries, and they should be a part of every child's education.

This thrilling biography—written by Jacob Abbott and newly edited for younger readers—offers a glimpse into the life of a man who conquered Europe and defeated all his enemies, only for him to have one of the most famous deaths in all history, which led immediately to the creation of the Roman Empire.

Julius Caesar is part of Makers of History, a 19th century biography series by two brothers—Jacob and John S.C. Abbott. Reprinted by Canon Press, these biographies have been edited and brought up-to-date for readers twelve and up. Not only are these editions given vintage style paperback covers, but they also include introductions that explain where these men and women fit into the timeline of history."

From the Book:

"Sometimes those who become great in their more mature years are thoughtful, grave, and sedate when young. It was not so, however, with Caesar. He was of a very happy and lively disposition. He was tall and handsome in his person, fascinating in his manners, and fond of society, as people always are who know or who suppose that they shine in it. In a word, he had seemed, during his residence at Rome, wholly intent upon the pleasures of a happy and joyous life, and upon the personal observation which his rank, his wealth, his agreeable manners and his position in society secured for him. In fact, those who observed and studied his character in these early years thought that, although his situation was very favorable for acquiring power and renown, he would never feel any strong degree of ambition to avail himself of its advantages. He was too much interested, they thought, in personal pleasures ever to become great, either as a military commander or a statesman." -From the book

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Clinton S.
Makers of History: Julius Caesar

an easy read, very informative, and a good read

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