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In the Time of Noah (Paperback)

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Book details

Nathan Wilson lives and writes in the top of a tall, skinny house only one block from where he was born. But his bestselling novels, including the highly acclaimed 100 Cupboards series, have traveled far and wide and have been translated into dozens of languages. He and his wife have five young storytellers of their own, along with an unreasonable number of pets. You can visit him online at ndwilson.com.

Look Inside the Book

AUTHOR: Nathan Wilson

ILLUSTRATOR: Peter Bentley

PAGE COUNT: 36 pages

SIZE: 8.25x8.25"

ISBN 10: 1944503773

ISBN-13: 9781944503772

BINDING: Paperback

PUB. DATE: May 22, 2007

More Books in the Old Stories Series

The Dragon and the Garden: This book, also illustrated by Peter Bentley, retells the story of the fall in a way you have never seen it before.

The Sword of Abram: This book, illustrated by Forrest Dickison (illustrator of Hello Ninja and Blah Blah Black Sheep) tells the story of how Abram rescues his nephew lot from the kings of Canaan.

The Old Stories Bundle: Buy all three books in the Old Stories series for 25% off!

See More Options: Paperback

When giants rule the world, God decides that it is time to make an end of all living things: except for one man and his boat.

Before the Flood, there was a world dominated by giants, bloodthirsty and merciless. God was grieved. He would judge the world. But He would also save the world. This beautifully illustrated children's book is full of imagination, beauty, and excitement. Written by N.D. Wilson and beautifully illustrated by Peter Bentley, In the Time of Noah chronicles the history of Noah's obedience, from the building of the ark and the taming of the beasts, to the grounding at Ararat and the promise of the rainbow. The Old Stories series are designed to help children (and adults) re-imagine biblical stories, seeing things they have never seen before. Ages 4 and up.

Watch the animated storybook on Canon Plus here!


What People Are Saying:

"The first night I read this series to my daughter, she asked for them over and over again. My daughter loves the books and the illustrations. The water color illustrations are wonderfully done." -Steven

"So: if my goal is to saturate my children’s imaginations biblically, I want to do it on the Bible’s own terms. And In The Time of Noah does great service to the flood story here. It takes a story we’ve become over-familiar with—to the point that we think we know it without reading it—and makes it strange and compelling once again. The evil that God determines to destroy is menacing and cruel, posing a direct challenge to his authority. The waters that wash it away are at once judgment and mercy, a terrible liberation, and the earth rises again cleansed of a particularly ruinous rebellion. This is the logic of the biblical flood account, a logic that echoes through the arklike rooms where the Hebrews wait on Passover, and hangs over us as we stand in the waters of baptism, which Paul insists is a kind of death (Rom 6:4)." -Sarah, Aslan's Library

"The telling of the story holds the interests of our oldest daughters, who are 5 and 3, as do the beautiful pictures. The creative pictures are beautiful and artistic views of the time and people, quite different than anything we've seen before. Older children who have only had the cutie versions of Noah will have their minds expanded by this simple book. And you may find yourself checking your Bible afterwards, just to see if the amazing story you just read is really there." -a reader

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

In the Time of Noah (Paperback)

Emily D.
In the Time of Noah

Love love the depiction and illustrations (5 stars all the way) — unfortunately the binding broke the first read.

Excellent & Creative

A great retelling of the Noah and the Ark story. The illustrations are not my favorite, but much better than the cutesy drawings in a lot of kids books. This one fires the imagination and explains the back story creatively, with wonderful word crafting that I can enjoy as an adult too. My two year old dubs it “scary” and won’t look at it on her own but loves me to read it to her. :-) Please do more Bible story books like this!

Richard H.
Excellent in many ways

Too many books on Noah and the ark focus on the wrong things or pretend like it was a big ancient zoo festival of fun on sea. This book is not like that. It's unique, biblical and fun to read. I would have liked to see ALL animals represented, even if it was only leviathan and behemoth, and not also a T-Rex or Pterodactyl. God did make all sea creatures on day 5 and land animals on day 6

Andrew R.
Great for Teaching Bible Stories

I bought this for my daughter's birthday. The art style is unique and the text of course is spot on.

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