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The Puritan Five


Douglas Wilson


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The Puritan Five

Credenda/Agenda's Pre-Conference Seminar for Ministers and Ministers-in-Training

In order for ministry to engage effectively with the challenges before us, we need to define what we love and love what we define. In that spirit, this conference will encourage (and perhaps even whip up) those who attend, inciting them to be enthusiastically committed to the five solas of the Reformation, the five points of Calvinism, the five books of Moses, the five wise virgins in the parable, the five loaves that will eventually feed the world, and the five fingers on the right hand of our fellowship.Translated this means the romance of classical Protestantism, the inexorable grace of robust soteriology, the goodness of the law of God, the sovereignty of persevering and evangelical grace, the overflow of our eschatological hope, and an irenic catholicity. If that is not clear yet, then you will just have to come to the conference.

THE TALKS by Douglas Wilson

1. The Romance of Calvinism

2. Grace has a Backbone

3. Grace for the Nations

4. Reformed Catholicity Starts at Home

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