Westminster Systematics: Comments and Notes on the Westminster Confession

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Douglas Wilson

Book details

Douglas Wilson is a pastor in Moscow, Idaho, a father of three, and grandfather of seventeen. He is the author of numerous books, including Decluttering Your Marriage, Future Men, and How to Exasperate Your Wife.

AUTHOR: Douglas Wilson

PAGE COUNT: 260 pages

SIZE: 5.50x8.50"

BINDING: Paperback

ISBN-10: 1591281776

ISBN-13: 9781591281771

PUB. DATE: September 9, 2014

What is the chief end of man? Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.

Look Inside the Book

The Westminster Confession of faith is often treated as the Bible of the Reformed Church. Yet how few of us have actually read it? In this study guide, Douglas Wilson takes the theologically interested layman through the Confession itself, reading the entire text and succinctly and clearly analyzing topics including the Trinity, the Fall, God's covenant with man, the sacraments, free will, justification, the civil magistrate, and more. For those who want to dig deeper, Wilson has assigned extra readings and comprehension questions from three different authors (A.A. Hodge, Thomas Vincent, and Francis Turretin). The perfect medicine for a culture obsessed with word-bending and qualification, Westminster Systematics offers an unapologetic and systematic distillation of the word of God.

"Every member of the Assembly was required to take the following vow, which was read afresh every Monday morning that its solemn influence might be constantly felt: 'I do seriously promise and vow, in the presence of Almighty God, that in this Assembly whereof I am a member, I will maintain nothing in point of doctrine but what I believe to be most agreeable to the Word of God." — Egbert Watson Smith, The Creed of the Presbyterians

From the Book:

"This book is intended for the theologically interested layman, as well an introduction to systematic theology for those students who are intending to pursue it further, up through their black belt. To both sorts of readers, I wish them the best of luck now, here in the Preface, because when they are done they won’t believe in luck any more at all." -From the Introduction

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Jim L.
Westminster Systematics

I am using this book along with Sproul, Williamson and Gershner to study the WCF. Although all are excelent, Pastor Wilson’s commenrary is the most succinct and direct. I highly recommend it.

Isaiah H.

Great product and added commentary.

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