Heaven Misplaced: Christ's Kingdom on Earth

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Douglas Wilson


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Book details

Douglas Wilson is a pastor in Moscow, Idaho, a father of three, and grandfather of seventeen. He is the author of numerous books, including Decluttering Your Marriage, Future Men, and How to Exasperate Your Wife.

AUTHOR: Douglas Wilson

PAGE COUNT: 142 pages

SIZE: 5.75x8.75"

BINDING: Paperback

ISBN 10: 1591280834

ISBN-13: 9781591280835

PUB. DATE: December 1, 2008

Media: Paperback

We should labor as if we were laboring to make Christ's kingdom come here on earth—because that's what we are doing.

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Though most Christians refrain from predicting exactly when our world will end, many believe that when earth's finale does arrive, it will be a catastrophe. They expect that before Christ comes back to reclaim His own, Satan will escape his chains and return to wreak havoc on our planet. Details vary, but the general assumption is the same: things will get much, much worse before they get better.

But is this really what the Bible teaches? Leaving aside the theological terms that often confuse and muddle this question, Douglas Wilson instead explains eschatology as the end of the greatest story in the world—the story of humanity. He turns our attention back to the stories and prophecies of Scripture and argues for "hopeful optimism": the belief that God will be true to His promises, that His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven, and that the peace and good will we sing about at Christmas will one day be a reality here on earth.

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What People Are Saying:

"When we think of the End Times we usually think of earthquakes, floods, and nuclear explosions.... But what if we’ve got it wrong? What if the events leading up to the Second Coming aren’t as grim as we suspect?... It is this question that Douglas Wilson explores in his recent book, Heaven Misplaced: Christ’s Kingdom on Earth. His answer? Before anyone goes to the Kingdom, the Kingdom is going to come to us—and with force." -Joseph Sunde, Remnant Culture

"Essential for anyone wanting to actually understand postmillennialism enough to expound and explain it to the average person. What Wilson undertakes is not a scholarly survey of eschatology, but a pastoral survey of the overall Christian message, with a goal of making the optimism and victory of Christ in history that is at the heart of postmillennialsm. This is compelling and interesting Bible study, with short chapters, topical summaries and discussion questions." -Michael Spencer, Internet Monk

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Scott W.
Great inspiring introductory explanation of the post-mil position

It's an excellent presentation of post-mil in its main points. Pastor Wilson collects lots of scripture to show how it all harmonizes in this optimistic hope. It's not long, just long enough to convince you that the position is scripturally sound, historic, beautiful, and life-changing. It does not go into great detail to answer every "but what about" question, so it left me with some questions still. But my appetite was whetted (is that a word?) and it got me into studying the bible more to fully develop my position on the topic. Highly recommend.


This may be one of most important books in my lifelong library. Its the best treatment of optimistic theology and eschatology I've ever read, and every Christian would benefit from reading this whether they share this view or not. Thank you Douglas Wilson for writing this.

Zach T.
Great for what it is

I think I went in expecting a more theological argument for Post-Millenialism (despite the preface warning me otherwise) and I didn't like it or agree with it.
This book is not really that, in my opinion. But if you read it willing to listen to it as a picture of how Post-Millenialism is a consistent view of all of scripture.....I think this is quite good

Nathan L.
Of the increase of His government and of peace there will be no end

If you enjoy when the choir sings "And He shall reign forever and ever" in Handel's Hallelujah Chorus and wonder why it evokes a strong, inner joy then read this book. Wilson lays out the implications of what we proclaim each year at Christmastime of Jesus coming to take His place as rightful occupant of the throne of His father, David, and what He has been up to since His Ascension.

Frankly, this book is nothing short of a worldview changer. Written intentionally as a fairy-tale which happens to be true, Wilson connects the Psalms and the prophecies of Isaiah with their fulfillments in the Christ recorded in the Gospels, Epistles, and Revelation to John. Christ's victory has implications in the history of this world rather than simply an ethereal, spiritual fulfillment. This leads to a hopeful optimism of our world being saved and remade by Jesus (and that He is already well underway in doing so). Upon reading this book the reader may have to consider his or her present political and ethical decisions matching up with the professed belief of Jesus as King. Given four stars due to an occasional choppy writing style which can be difficult to follow, the thesis of the book is clear and will cause one to stop and say, "wow, this is Good News."

Last, if one enjoys this book I would also recommend Wilson's commentary on the book of Revelation ("When the Man Comes Around") for more optimism for the destiny of Christ's Kingdom on the Earth.


A good introduction to the postmillennial hope.

Paul T.
Paradigm shift

I can always count on Doug Wilson to rock my world, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot, as he challenges my understanding of the scriptures. This book, which I first read years ago, played a part in moving me from an eschatology of pessimism and defeat to one of optimism and gospel victory.

The title is a fine summary of the thrust of the book. It is indeed heaven, where we are NOT in our resurrected bodies and NOT on a glorified earth, that is "not our home." (That's why it's called the intermediate state!)

This book is deep enough to cause a paradigm shift but short enough to be easy to read. For those reasons, it also would make a great gift.

Sometimes, when someone rocks the boat, you might fall in the drink. But, hey, come on in; the water's fine!

So excited about the Good News of The Kingdom

Having slowly come to the realization that the kingdom is here and now in spite of being taught the opposite, I have never been more excited about the Kingdom. Jesus talked about it constantly yet his words are seemingly ignored. I have seen the ugly fruit of dispensationalism for years but have struggled to understand the Kingdom. This book has helped all the pieces fall into place. When truth is revealed everything seems so simple and clear and you wonder how you didn’t see it before. As with other doctrines, I’ve had to lay aside church teaching and take a fresh view of scripture without those lens trying on new ones, sort of like when the optometrist is fitting you for glasses and asks, ‘it is better here or here’? Thank you for bringing the kingdom into better focus. Now I understand why utopian visions are so strong; they are counterfeit kingdoms. Oh, how things would change if we preached the good news about the kingdom, like Jesus in Luke 4 and Phillip in Acts 8, then people would be less prone to fall for the counterfeit.

Michael D.
Easing In

This book is a great way to ease into optimistic eschatology. Read it for the comfort of the scriptures exposited here.

Reed N.
Great Book!

Extremely helpful for understanding the post-millennial position. I was very pleased!

Christopher G.
Finally, a beautiful argument.

God’s story is true and good but, often it’s beauty is left out. Doug’s use of lyrical theology compels the reader to enter into a world saturated with not only good news of the kingdom but beautiful news.

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