32 Christians Who Changed Their World

(16 reviews)
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Glenn Sunshine

Book details

Dr. Glenn S. Sunshine is a former Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University and is a Senior Faculty Member of the Colson Fellows. Glenn has written about history, theology, and culture, online and on both sides of the Atlantic. He is the author of the books Why You Think the Way You Do: The Story of Western Worldviews from Rome to Home and Slaying Leviathan: Limited Government and Resistance in the Christian Tradition. The former book received the 2006 Acton Institute Book Grant.

AUTHOR: Glenn S. Sunshine


SIZE: 5.5x8.5"

BINDING: Hardback w/Dust Jacket

ISBN 10: 1957905174

ISBN-13: 9781957905174

PUB. DATE: March 21, 2023

Media: Hardback

The Christian faith is a call to adventure. Be inspired by these thirty-two saints and give thanks for their faithful stories. Now go and do likewise where God has put you.

Look Inside the Book

For two thousand years, average Christians have been transforming culture, and this collection of stories by Dr. Glenn Sunshine tells some of those stories. Men like Robert Grosseteste and Roger Bacon laid the foundations for science. Political figures like Abba Enbaqom and Sorghaghtani Beki (daughter-in-law of Genghis Khan) promoted Christianity in societies hostile to it. Christians like Roque González and Solomon Plaatje opposed racial oppression, and heroes like Andre Trocme and Ho Fengshan helped Jews escape the Holocaust.

These men and women all have stories that show how broad and transformative the Christian faith really has been on the world. Learn these stories and be like them.

What People Are Saying:

“[These Christians] worked across various cultural spheres as if Christian truth mattered as much there as in any church. They sought to educate because they believed God is truth. They sought to liberate, because they knew every person bears God’s image and that truth sets us free. They sought to create, because in creating we worship the Creator. They sought to alleviate suffering, because God had, originally, created the world good. They fought injustice because God is just and wants justice in His world. They lived as if Christ is King, because they knew He is.” ~John Stonestreet, president of the Colson Center

“My friend, Glenn Sunshine has done it again, he’s made history speak to us. The dead yet live in his book, 32 Christians Who Changed Their World. They gave testimony to the Lordship of Christ at different times, and in very different places, and they still do. Take up and read.” ~C.R. Wiley, author of The Household and the War for the Cosmos and In the House of Tom Bombadil

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
J L.
32 Christians who changed their world

What a wonderful cloud of witnesses G. Sunshine has compiled. I have also enjoyed how G. Sunshine challenges the reader through out the book to examine themselves and what they are doing for Christ and His Kingdom.

Love and liked it

There are a few amazing chapters and a few boring chapters. Overall a good read but not a “must” read.

A quote in the last chapter that I appreciated, “With only a college degree in chemistry, M.M. began to teach himself theology… One key turning point in his life came when his wife died of cancer. Rather than becoming bitter, he learned at this point in a profound way the importance of the sovereignty of God. Whenever his youngest brother, M.M. Nina, faced struggles in his life, M.M. asked him, “Who is important? You or God?” Rather than focus on himself, M.M. saw God’s sovereignty as ultimately more important than his own difficulties and loss. “


Morning read a louds got more exciting!

David Y.

32 Christians Who Changed Their World

Steve C.
Perfect book to share

Our faith continues to move forward despite the challenges each generation faces and despite the challenges in each and every society around the world.
“32” is a marvelous illustration of our faith being the impetus of courageous responses for so many throughout all generations. This eye-opener is a perfect gift to share. Get 2 of them and send one to a friend! You’ll both be glad and blessed!

informative, easy read

Dr. Sunshine presents for us here some heroes of Christianity who will not have made it onto most of our radars. These stories will broaden your view of historic Christianity and challenge the believer to take seriously how he lives his faith.

John S.
Great, short biographies of the saints before us.

This is a good collection of short biographies of servants of God who, despite hardships, remained faithful to God. May we be encouraged in our own hardships today.

Moderately interesting

I enjoy the author, Glenn sunshine, but this book was not as “exciting“ as I thought it would be. Good information about historical figures. But not something that I believe would really catch the attention of younger kids and teenagers. Not like a foxes book of martyrs, Its jist not an attention grabber. Having said that, It’s good to read about people I’ve never heard of, and yet seeing how their testimonies and actions, though imperfect, affected the course of history..

D. L.C.
No Shade In Sunshine

The book is broken into eras from Late Antiquity to late Twentieth Century and the Christians listed in those eras fall chronologically as to birth. I'm an old Christian in both age and time of service so very little surprises me. Not the case with "32 Christians Who Changed Their World" which delighted, convicted, embarrassed and made me wonder at every profile. Of those listed I already had a fair assessments of seven of them but the remaining twenty-five became delightful new acquaintances.

Be shocked, surprised and amazed; get the book.

Trastin B.
Love it!

The book will be a tool for me and passed down after I am gone. I was influenced and motivated and it stirred in me confidence I had at first (Hebrews 3:14).

Christians come from everywhere and from every occupation. As they commit to the Lords commands they influence others in many ways. They assemble together once a week on Sunday’s but throughout the week they are taking care of responsibilities and they are doing it for the Lord (Acts 20:7, Colossians 3:23). The gospel is being re-enacted daily in the minds of Christians everywhere. Their daily worship is offering themselves as living sacrifices and serving others (Romans 12:1, James 1:27). They are everywhere all across the world and going all the way back to when Peter gave the first gospel sermon on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). In Glenn S. Sunshine’s book, he says “there are pastors, evangelists, sculptors, parents, entrepreneurs, activists, warriors, strategists, inventors, servants, rulers, innovators, educators, children, authors, painters, athletes, presidents, beggars, healers, storytellers, academics, practitioners, politicians, administrators, builders, peasants, accountants, and those from any other category of human activity that one could imagine.”

Christians are everywhere daily loving in deed and in truth and shaping their world daily (1 John 3:18). Minds are not just changed by pastors but by all Christians. We are the light to the world and we are the example of righteousness (Isaiah 58:8). We can take a book like this and be inspired by other Christians in the past who lived out their faith and see how they changed their world so we can be the light for others (Hebrews 13:7). Glenn writes, “For those in positions of influence in cultural or political situations opposed to the Gospel, Hunayn provides a model of how to live: Do your work to the best of your ability, live with integrity, and whatever ups and downs might follow, never compromise your obedience and faithfulness to God.”

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