Douglas Wilson Complete Commentaries Bundle

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Douglas Wilson

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In these six commentaries, Douglas Wilson works through Ephesians, Galatians, 1 & 2 Timothy, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Titus, 1 Corinthians, and Revelation.


One New Man

Ephesians is a vault of Pauline doctrine, with shelf after shelf of priceless jewels and gems.

Galatians is a firefight in the hallway outside.

This commentary presents Galatians and Ephesians together as Paul exults in the most precious truths of the Gospel—and shows us how to fight for them.

Only a few years after Christ's resurrection, false brothers were out to attempt the heist of the ages, replacing freedom in Christ with bondage to the law. In these two great epistles, Paul confronts Judaizers ancient and modern with the fundamental Christian confession: "By grace you have been saved."

When the Man Comes Around

"Though St. John the Evangelist saw many strange monsters in his vision, he saw no creature so wild as one of his own commentators." ~ G.K. Chesterton

The book of Revelation was written to do just that: reveal . But most commentaries nowadays either engage in bizarre speculations about the future, or they keep an embarrassed distance from all the apocalyptic events that the apostle John says will “shortly take place.”

In this commentary, Douglas Wilson provides a passage-by-passage walkthrough of the entire book, showing how John’s most notorious prophecies concern the Fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Explaining symbols and characters as he goes, Wilson shows from the text that not only is this book not an elaborate code, but that Revelation is not even ultimately concerned with the end of the world as we know it. Revelation is about the triumph of the Church, which always happens when the Man comes around.

The Pillar of the Truth

In the pastoral epistles, as Paul prepares for his own death, he passes the torch to his successors.

This readable new commentary The Pillar of the Truth gives background for 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. Wilson brings out parallels between the Apostolic age and Israel's time in the wilderness, and, in step-by-step fashion, shows how the Apostle Paul was preparing the nascent Church for institutionalization after his death: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Tim. 4:7-8).

Partakers of Grace

Do you really want to be a New Testament church? Paul would command you to avoid it.

Prostitution, incest, drunkenness at the Lord's table, sectarianism, and babble all were problems in Paul's rag-tag startup church in Corinth. Paul's letter was a course-correction for many in the church, bringing people back to the Gospel as the basis for right unity, sexual ethics, observation of the sacraments, and worship. This commentary works through this deep and sometimes confusing letter verse by verse, unpacking the details and making applications. Yes, even on the headcoverings.

To the Church in Rome

“This letter is truly the most important piece in the New Testament. It is purest Gospel... it seems that St. Paul, in writing this letter, wanted to compose a summary of the whole of Christian and evangelical teaching which would also be an introduction to the whole Old Testament.” ~ Martin Luther

Romans is more than a collection of proof texts for Reformed theology. It is an exposition of God's plan to take back the world.

In this new commentary, Douglas Wilson tackles Paul's meaty letter passage by passage, explaining Paul's central message of the Gospel: Jesus’s death and resurrection have transformed the world. God has brought an end to the old covenant and ushered in a new covenant, joining Jews and Gentiles in one new people. And if Jesus is Lord, then Caesar is not, and thus the Gospel requires faithful Christians to defy tyrants when they usurp Jesus’s place.

If Romans hasn't seemed so before, then certainly by the end of this commentary it will appear to you as it did to Protestant theologian Frédéric Godet—as "the cathedral of Christian faith."

Mines of Difficulty

Sorrow not as those who have no hope.

We tend to think eschatology is important but impractical. What does the millennium have to do with Monday morning?

Quite a bit, Paul says.

The Thessalonians were suffering intensely. They were being killed by their own next-door neighbors. Paul writes to comfort them—and he does it with some of the most debated end times passages in all of Scripture.

In this commentary, Douglas Wilson shows how tangled issues like the Man of Sin and the Day of the Lord aren’t simply fodder for speculation. They relate directly to how we should handle our daily trials. Practice church discipline. Show up to work on time. Suffer with hope.

This is because in the mines of difficulty, we find the diamonds of promise.

Diamonds in a Cardboard Box

We have this treasure in jars of clay.

The church at Corinth was infested with so-called super-apostles. They were stylish and well-spoken, and they were out to turn the church against the apostle Paul. They cast him as a frail, indecisive fumbler who got beat up everywhere he went.

So Paul responded with a full-length account of the glory of Christian weakness.

This commentary traces Paul’s argument as he shows how Christ empowers us not only to endure persecution, diseases, and disasters, but to relish them.

In the end, there are two competing visions of the Christian life. On the one hand there’s a wall of marble tombs, magnificent and rotten. On the other there’s a pile of clay pots, cracked or cracking, and filled with diamonds.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Seth S.

Douglas Wilson Complete Commentaries Bundle

When the Man comes around

Just finished the commentary when the Man comes around. Thoroughly enjoyed it. So much information. Planning on going through the rest of Douglas Wilson's commentary. Thanks again

Bruce J.
Loved them! Fantastic commentaries—excellent study resources

I use these for research on the Reformed Dissenters show and for my own personal spiritual growth. Highly recommended checking them out and grabbing your own copies!

Heather S.

Douglas Wilson Commentaries Bundle

Jodi H.

I gave it as a gift🙂

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