

Gary Hotham

Book details

AUTHOR: Gary Hotham

SIZE: 4.27x6

ISBN-10: 1885767587

ISBN-13: 9781885767585

PUB. DATE: October 1, 1999

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"Gary Hotham keeps turning out wonderfully subtle and simple poems, honing them to a pitch of perfection until they quietly consecrate the quotidian." — Cor van den Heuvel, editor of The Haiku Anthology

"Having savored Gary Hotham's haiku in small, sometimes handwritten pamphlets for years, I delight in this substantial collection of many well-remembered poems and others, new to me, richly rewarding." — William J. Higginson, Haiku World

"What we have all been waiting for—a selection of the finest poems by a true master of American haiku. Gary allows us to see, hear, and touch the world around us as if for the first time. These poems are true classics of American haiku." — Dr. Lee Gurga, former president of the Haiku Society of America Realize.

"Gary Hotham is haiku." — Bob Arnold, editor of Longhouse

"Hotham notes the power of language in his preface, and how powerful it is here: in three or four short lines to disconcert, disillusion, illumine, delight, to "capture a moment." God's world, like himself, is one and many. The haiku takes one brief moment and illumines all of life and history. " — John M. Frame, professor, Westminster Theological Seminary

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