Easy Chairs, Hard Words: Conversations on the Liberty of God

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Douglas Wilson


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Book details

Douglas Wilson is a pastor in Moscow, Idaho, a father of three, and grandfather of seventeen. He is the author of numerous books, including Decluttering Your Marriage, Future Men, and How to Exasperate Your Wife.

AUTHOR: Douglas Wilson

PAGE COUNT: 154 pages

SIZE: 5.50x8.50

BINDING: Paperback

ISBN 10: 1885767307

ISBN-13: 9781885767301

PUB. DATE: October 1, 1997

Media: Paperback

The following are hard words, indeed. But they remain, for all our explanations, God's words.

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"Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens. You will say to me then, 'Why still find fault, For who resisted His will?' But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God?" (Romans 9:18-20a). 

Easy Chairs, Hard Words offers an honest look at many such difficult passages in Scripture. Presented as a series of fictional conversations between a curious young Christian and a seasoned pastor, these dialogues speak with clarity to those new to the Reformed faith. They begin with the question, "Can salvation be lost?" and from there wrestle with other hard-to-swallow doctrines, including the freedom of the will, election, and original sin. Hard words, and yet the understanding given these passages is thoughtful and gentle. For our God—the God of hard words—is a merciful and loving Father, slow to wrath and quick to pardon, a triune God who graciously rescues men from death and brings them into everlasting life.

You can also purchase this as an audiobook here, on audible,* on SCRIBD, and wherever audiobooks are sold.

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What People Are Saying:

"This is not an ordinary book on the sovereignty of God and the doctrines of grace. Wilson structures these twenty chapters around a series of conversations between an older Reformed pastor and a young man wondering if Christians can lose their salvation.... Wilson’s theology is solidly Calvinistic" -Justin Taylor, The Gospel Coalition


"I thoroughly enjoyed how Pastor Wilson thoughtfully addresses each question. These are the types of questions and objections that we all have asked or been asked at one time or another. So if you are new to reformed theology, I have no doubt you will find this most helpful, but even as one who has been studying these things for the last 19 years or so, I found his perspective very helpful as well." -Tom

"This is the most accessible, coherent, intelligent book on the reformed faith I have read." -Lucas

"My favorite book that I own outside the Bible." -Pastor Scotty

"I have been able to use this book as a great evangelism tool on numerous occasions." -Brian


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

It was fantastic, and I am still reading it .wonderful book. Thank you, Doug Wilson.

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