You pay, they get
Group Access to Canon+ Content
Unlock FULL Canon+ access for every household in your group for a year.
How It Works
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How much am I saving?
Every household you purchase would regularly cost $179.99 yearly. When you purchase 20 or more households, you get a 34% discount. For 50 or more, you get 40% off. And for 100 or more households, 46% off!
What is a "Household"?
Group subscriptions are bulk family subscriptions. Every household you purchase in your group provides full Canon+ access for up to 5 profiles under one roof.
Can I grow my group later?
Yes! If at any point during the year, you would like to add households to your group. Just reach out to Maggie (maggie@canonpress.com) and let us know how many you would like to add. We will make sure you get the same discount you got with your initial purchase.