Men and Marriage

(33 reviews)

George Gilder


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George Gilder is an icon. He is one of the leading economic and technological thinkers of the past fifty years. Men and Marriage is his seminal work on the family. He wrote Wealth and Poverty, the global bestseller and Ronald Reagan's most quoted book. He predicted the iPhone in Life After TelevisionLife After Google blew up in China, and his latest book is Life After Capitalism. He is a polymath and an influential venture capitalist. Today he lives with his wife in western Massachusetts.


AUTHOR: George Gilder

BINDING: Hardback


SIZE: 5.5x8.5"

ISBN 10: 1-95-790558-1

ISBN 13: 978-1-957905-58-7

PUB. DATE: August 29, 2023


Box: Men and Marriage (Hardback)

Civilization is Built by Men with Families to Feed.

George Gilder has been clear about the stakes for the family since 1973.

Look Inside the Book

Without fathers, our civilization sinks back into the Stone Age. Fifty years later, the need of the hour remains: Men that take responsibility for themselves. Men that love their wives. Men that raise their own children. Men with insatiable economic libido.

Bad news, America.

Nearly half of your men are unmarried.

The single man:

  • is a spendthrift
  • masturbates alone
  • has a propensity to kill himself
  • is a slave to his passions.

The married man:

  • has more money and invests
  • has more sex
  • lives longer
  • rules over his appetites.

Meet your Sage against the Machine.

George Gilder is an icon.

He is one of the leading economic and technological thinkers of the past fifty years.

Men and Marriage is his seminal work on the family.

He wrote the global bestseller Wealth and Poverty, which was Ronald Reagan’s most quoted book.

He predicted the iPhone, in Life After Television. Life After Google blew up in China, and his newest book is Life After Capitalism.

He is a polymath and an influential venture capitalist. Today he lives with his wife in western Massachusetts.

The Sage Box

The machine wants you atomized, renting forever, chasing handouts, gawking free porn, stunted in business and in bed. Rage against the machine.

Take the Gilder pill.

Civilization will not build itself. So get this box to sagehood. With it, recover the wisdom of the ages. Learn clear-eyed defiance against moral collapse. And steady your faith with a nuclear family against Oppenheimer-odds.

What's in the box:


If only we listened to George 50 years ago. . .

The trad-con's bible into the apocalypse. Jet fuel for feminazi dogfights and psyops. The booster shot America needed 50 years ago to engineer men who would've made us the Jetsons by now. Instead, those men watched 36,000 years of porn in 2022. Don't waste your strength for the next 50 years.


For gym bottles, diesel tank doors, bump stocks, the office door of your Women's Studies Professor, and any Ayn Rand book.


Lawns are tamed. The marketplace has been disciplined with your canoe paddle. The kids are in bed.

It's time to crack a cold one. Keep it cold in your militant minivan koosie.


The Canon Plus exclusive documentary is out!

Sage Against the Machine: The Life and Work of George Gilder


Forbes calls George a “prophet who is "so consistently farsighted in fathoming the future of high technology.” Decades in advance, he called the iPhone 15, working from home with Zoom, and the rise of Netflix over cable's dead body.

Stream the Sage on all your screens.


The commies went with Che. We're going with George.

In this shirt, we do a little taking responsibility for ourselves, we love one woman, and our children occupy the gates of our enemies.


What People Are Saying

 “[Gilder is] the Nation’s leading Male-Chauvinist Pig Author”
— Time Magazine

“Controversial, passionately argued, and vitally important, George Gilder's Men  and Marriage reminds us of timeless truths that undergird healthy civilizations. To the precise extent we ignore his message, we will fall into a state of inexorable societal decline.” — Ben Shapiro, Editor Emeritus, Daily Wire, Host of "The Ben Shapiro Show”

“If I didn’t have my brain, I’d want Gilder’s.”
— Rush Limbaugh, Host of The Rush Limbaugh Show

“There are a few writers in this country who stand head and shoulders above the rest of us and one of the most brilliant is George Gilder. Men and Marriage is one of the classic books on marriage of all times. I have recommended it for more than 30 years.” 
— James C. Dobson Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

"Men and Marriage . . . is an outstandingly important and well-argued book.”
— National Review

“The genius of George Gilder is that he can venture into the heart of this tempestuous rage aware that tis fury is about to break full force on our heads, and yet send back this calm, rational, even hope-filled message in a bottle. The question is: Will we read it? And, even more important, will we heed it?”
— Christianity Today

“George Gilder's book Men and Marriage is an extraordinary achievement precisely because it is today as simultaneously prescient and relevant as when most of it appeared fifty years ago. Can we imagine? It is that very deepest of encouragements that reality stubbornly remains reality, or more specifically that the foundational nature of that thing we call human biology — especially in the concomitant traditional and complementary roles of men and women — is as undeniable as ever, precisely because it really is reality, and not some vanishing social construct, as the madmen have over and over blithered. Just as Newton in the 17th century told us how gravity works — and still works and always will work — Gilder told us in the 20th century and tells us
again now how men and women and marriage work —  and still work and always will work. To be reminded of these particular eternal verities — as they continue to be attacked by the sour souls of our own day — is needed and deeply heartening and generally wonderful.” 
— Eric Metaxas, author of Bonhoeffer and Is Atheism Dead?, and founder and host of Socrates in the City.

"Any book that begins with a foreword from Douglas Wilson should be taken seriously. So should this: right now the average 25 year-old American male is more likely to still be living with at least one of his parents than with a wife and child. That is the Death of the West quantified. You can tell a lot about a culture by the state of its men and marriages, and the current state of both is sorrowful. Which is exactly why Gilder’s formative work is rightfully being reloaded for a new generation before it sadly becomes America's final one.”
— Steve Deace, BlazeTV host The Steve Deace Show

“Our culture is deeply confused about the character and purpose of men and masculinity in the twenty-first century. George Gilder offers an incomparably incisive and thought-provoking meditation on men today, especially the ways in which marriage matters for men. This book deserves your attention, whether or not you agree with his vision.”
— Brad Wilcox, Director of the National Marriage Project, University of Virginia

“Centuries ago Jean-Jacques Rousseau observed that "the two sexes have so strong and so natural a relation to one another that the morals of one always determine the morals of the other," but then he clouded his analysis with the idea that people were naturally good. George Gilder's Men and Marriage provides an unblinkered, unromantic look at how the creation of a new woman under our feminist regime has brought about a new, less responsible, weaker, man. Modern rulers do not want anyone to notice, but Gilder's recovery of old wisdom on sexual
relations is indispensable for understanding our situation and for a way forward.”
— Scott Yenor, Professor of Political Science at Boise State, Washington Fellow at the
Claremont Institute. Author of The Recovery of Family Life.

“The first time the Bible ever says something is not good is when Adam did not yet have a wife. Just as in physics, the greatest release of explosive cultural power comes not from fission, but from fusion. Through marriage women transform men into the most powerful force in all creation. Gilder’s book shows that this is not just one option among many but a fixed law of the creation order. To ignore it is both sexual and civilizational suicide.”
— Jerry Bowyer, President of Bowyer Research, and author of ‘The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics.’

“Men and Marriage is that most rare book where time has transformed clear observation, fresh thinking, and compelling writing into terrifying prophecy. When I first encountered George Gilder’s concept of ‘sexual suicide’ over forty years ago, the moral confusions and vast dangers of ‘the sexual revolution’ launched in the 1960’s became clear. In 2023, an America long distinctive for its marriage-centered and child-rich ways now records astonishingly low marriage and fertility rates and the public celebration of homosexuality, transsexuality, and other forms of sterile existence…all foreseen in George Gilder’s analysis. He fairly parcels out blame for this social, cultural, and religious failure. Given their direct assault on the sexual distinction and fruitful marriage, the feminists are prominent here. However, George Gilder also indicts those high-status men whose embrace of easy divorce and ‘trophy wives’ equally violated the vital ‘sexual constitution’ undergirding ordered liberty. His central argument—that
full recognition of the physical, mental, and operational differences between men and women lies at the core of a healthy society—has only gained in relevance.”
— Allan C. Carlson, author of The American Way: Family and Community in the Shaping of the American Identity

No writer makes me say to myself “I wish I’d written that” as often as George Gilder. That is nowhere truer than with Men and Marriage and its opening sentence: “The crucial process of civilization is the subordination of male sexual impulses and biology to the long-term horizons of female sexuality.” It makes no difference what priors you bring to Men and Marriage. You cannot read it without having been made wiser about how the world works.
 — Charles Murray, Hayek Emeritus Scholar

“Oh George, you brute! Some men would have been satisfied to batter feminism just once, collect their royalties, and move on to grander things, like Wealth and Poverty. But George Gilder has once again taken up his cudgel, marshaled his instructive tales of baboon society and human ghetto life and come up with a retread of his 1973 screed against women’s liberation, Sexual Suicide. Not to worry, though, Men and Marriage is no less floridly idiosyncratic than the original.”
— LA Times

“George Gilder is the great American Bard of the cyber world, learned and melodious.”
— William F. Buckley, Jr.



Customer Reviews

Based on 33 reviews
Stephen D.

Men and Marriage

Stephen D.
A timeless read

George Gilder is an intellectual giant able to take deep cultural and philosophical concepts and trace them all the way down to practical human experience. His thesis on men, women, and the essential nature of marriage as the building block of society, as well as proving all the ways that society goes wrong without monogamous, covanental marriage. Some of the statistics quoted are dated, which goes to show just how ahead of the time Gilder really was. If you didn’t know it, you could think that Gilder wrote the book today. Perhaps it’s not to late to learn from him and course correct our culture back towards men and marriage.

Josh M.
Read it, and re-read it

Time-tested truths. I've had several friends read it and both have been as impacted as I was. It's heady, challenging, yet unabashedly truthful. Gilder is worth reading and re-reading.

Also worth noting, the physical product is a true piece of art.

George K.
Excellent. I learned so much

Every adult in America must read this book.

Keith K.

Men and Marriage

Dan K.
Made sense of my experience and observation

As a young man I was reckless at times and could be dangerous to myself and others. When I got married much of that changed rather quickly. I have seen this in other men. Guilders book also made sense of what I see in the culture and also what I saw in my studies as a sociology major. Almost every problem in society was said to be about wealth, class status, gender and education disparity. And the solutions to these problems were always tax the people who work and give it to those who won’t. I always knew that seemed shortsighted and incomplete and most likely incorrect. George Gilder explains why. The reason is that men don’t serve society well when we do not ask them and expect them to feed their families and build a society. This is a must read

Kevin C.

Men and Marriage

Pastor B.D.
Highly Recommended Book

George Gilder is a rare breed. A little too rare. We need more men like him and thats a great reason for men to read this book. In a country that is trying to erase sexual design and merge the sexes we need young God-Fearing families again led by young men with mouths to feed.

Pastor Brian


Essential reading. Incredible insight into what masculinity means in the eternal and immediate sense. I need WAY more stickers tho.

Carson W.

This is one of those books that puts into words feelings and thoughts that have just escaped definition. A truly excellent read, especially given its prophetic nature when viewed fifty years later

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