These bite-size guides—digestable in a sitting or two—are great introductions to specific topics.
On the unpopular question of PKs (pastors' kids) and pastoral qualifications.
Church Music and Other KindsWhat does God think about guitars? Why is everything from Europe more liberal?
European Brain SnakesFight the intimidation of seeping postmodernism as if your brain is old Ireland and we need St. Patrick.
Other Side of the CoyneHilarious deconstruction of Coyne's presuppositions about creationism and science in his patronizing evolutionary screed, Why Evolution is True.
PomosexualityA primer to understand and respond to the infinitely elastic sexuality demanded by nihilistic evolutionary postmodernism.
The Seven DeadliesThe seven deadly sins with pithy analysis of the temptation and the antidote from the Word of God.
All of Christ for All of Life
Books to live the Christian life out your fingertips, deal with sin, and feed your Christian imagination.
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