Songs of the Covenant Audio Download

(4 reviews)

Harry Van Dyken

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Covenantal Catechism helps parents raise children who need more Scriptural understanding of Genesis to Malachi so they can make a clear and complete biblical confession of faith and live it out.

This download includes all the songs for the Covenantal Catechism series taken from the the Psalter Hymnal, 1957 Edition, Board of Publications of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. Included are the following Psalms:

Lesson No. / Psalter No. / Psalm No. / Track / First Line

Psalm 119 How shall the young direct their way
Psalm 33 Let all the earth Jehovah fear
Psalm 8 O what is man, in Thy regard
Psalm 56 In God, the Lord, I rest
Luke 1 His mercy shall abide on them
Psalm 91 Complete deliverance I will give
Psalm 103 The flower is withered by the wind
Our God, how faithful are His ways
Psalm 66 He rules forever by His might
Psalm 25 They that fear and love the Lord
Luke 1 He helped His servant Israel
Psalm 115 For small and great who fear His name
Psalm 106 He brought them safely through the sea
Psalm 108 The help of man is vain
Psalm 106 Against His own inheritance
Psalm 45 O King of royal race
Psalm 72 His wide dominion shall extend
Psalm 104 Rejoicing in God
Psalm 39 When Thou for his iniquity
Psalm 79 O, Lord, our Savior help
Psalm 112 To shame the wicked shall be brought
Psalm 50 Hear, O My people, I will speak
Psalm 137 Not songs but sighs to us belong
Psalm 126 When Zion in her low estate
Born Thy people to deliver
Psalm 119 Behold how I Thy precepts love
Psalm 95 Almighty power the Lord maintains
Psalm 119 Thy Word and works unmoved remain
Psalm 51 I am evil born in sin
Psalm 119 Thy promised mercies send to me
Psalm 94 The wicked in their might arrayed
Psalm 91 Because on Me He set His love
Psalm 142 Be Thou my help when troubles throng
Psalm 135 His hand guides the clouds
Psalm 94 O Lord, Thou judge of all the earth
Abram believed the promised grace
Psalm 108 Stretch forth Thy mighty hand
Psalm 79 In Thy compassion hear
Psalm 106 Though they rebelled
Psalm 81 I am God the Lord who saved thee
Psalm 106 A golden image they adored
Psalm 111 His works are true and just indeed
Psalm 113 On whom but God can we rely
Psalm 106 When unto God they cried
Psalm 94 The Lord will not cast off His own
Psalm 113 The barren woman feels His power
Psalm 130 With the Lord is tender mercy
Psalm 81 But My people would not hearken
Psalm 39 Some walk in honor’s gaudy show
Psalm 122 God’s people to Jerusalem repair
Psalm 32 How Blest is He Whose Trespass
Psalm 150 Hallelujah! Hallelujah
Psalm 72 Christ Shall Have Dominion
Psalm 81 If My People Would Obey Me
Psalm 16 Their Sorrows Shall Be Multiplied
Psalm 96 Vain are the Heathen Gods
Psalm 106 Against His Own Inheritance
Psalm 141 O righteous God, Thy Chastisement
Psalm 139 O Lord, my inmost heart and thought
Psalm 94 The Lord will judge in righteousness
Psalm 86 O will thine anger never cease
Psalm 89 Behold God's truth and grace displayed
Psalm 106 Though from their harsh oppressors
Psalm 66 Say ye to God, how terrible
Psalm 89 The swelling sea obeys Thy will
Psalm 55 The living God in righteousness
Psalm 55 Upon the Lord thy burden cast
Psalm 106 Ensnared, they serve their heathen gods
Psalm 85 The Lord's salvation will appear
Psalm 115 The idol gods of heathen lands
Psalm 44 Like sheep to the slaughter
Psalm 108 The holy God has said
Psalm 126 The Lord in greatly blessing us
Psalm 56 God will not let his saints be used
Come, Thou long-expected Jesus
Psalm 22 Amid the thronging worshippers
Isaiah 40 For the herald's voice is crying
Joy to the world
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
The heavenly babe you there shall find
Psalm 59 My enemies with deadly rage
Psalm 2 This the word declared to me
Psalm 89 In vision to His saints in God spake
Psalm 73 In doubt and temptation
Psalm 135 I know that the Lord is almighty
Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind
Psalm 55 The living God in righteousness
Psalm 51 Gracious God my heart renew
Psalm 113 He lifts the poor and makes them great
Psalm 106 The Lord will bless and prosper thee
Psalm 91 At thy right hand though thousands die
And lo, thy touch brought life
Guide me O, Thou great Jehovah
Psalm 92 Thou, Lord, hast high exalted Me
Psalm 22 O Lord, afar off no longer stay
Hosanna in the highest
Psalm 69 It is my zeal for Thy abode
Who was the guilty? 
Praise the Savior, now and ever
Heaven unfolds its portals wide

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Sarah K.

Songs of the Covenant Audio Download

Family worship so simple now, no music reading required

As a typical guy, I wrestle with how to do family worship. Covenant Catechism (also sold by Logos Press) and this companion MP3 bundle make learning the Psalms easy, and none of us know how to read music yet. Thanks Logos!

Scott S.

Songs of the Covenant Audio Download

Callie M.
Such a great Bible curriculum catechism!

This curriculum has been such a blessing. I was so disappointed with a lot of the curriculum choices on the market for kids, until this one. It’s thoroughly clear and well done. Thank you!! Especially, having something that drives our kids to scripture, psalms and deep questions and answers!

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