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Church Music and the Other Kinds

(6 reviews)

Douglas Wilson


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Book details

Douglas Wilson is a pastor in Moscow, Idaho, a father of three, and grandfather of seventeen. He is the author of numerous books, including Decluttering Your Marriage, Future Men, and How to Exasperate Your Wife.

AUTHOR: Douglas Wilson

PAGE COUNT: 70 pages

SIZE: 5x8"

ISBN 10: 1944503323

ISBN-13: 9781944503321

PUB. DATE: Sept. 28, 2016

Media: Paperback

What does God think about guitars? Why is it that everything from Europe is more liberal? These and other issues are addressed in this short series of punchy pamphlets.

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These bite-size guides—digestible in a sitting or two—are great introductions to specific topics. You can buy the full Onslaught bundle here.

What People Are Saying:

Wilson makes that old-time religion contemporary not by dumbing it down for the huddled masses, but through his trademark winsome snark. God's people are better for it. His enemies -- not so much." -Steve Deace, nationally syndicated radio host

"More like a lumberjack than a pastor, even when he wears a suit." -The New York Times

"Doug Wilson jumped the shark a long time ago." -Jonathan Merritt

"So just who is this twisted 'Doug Wilson' creature, anyway?" -The Slacktivist

"I much prefer Wilson's sincerity to the vague and Python-esque witterings of the interfaith and ecumenical groups who barely respect their own traditions. He is willing to maintain very staunchly that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ and that his sacrifice redeems our state of sin." -Christopher Hitchens

"When friends ask me where I go for wise cultural analysis, the first name that always comes to mind is Doug Wilson. For years, I've found Doug's commentary on culture, politics, economics, and family to be profoundly insightful and biblically faithful. In Rules for Reformers, Doug has packaged his wise and witty cultural commentary with shrewd and gracious application of the Scriptures. In doing so, he's given those of us who love the gospel a manifest for grace-driven cultural reformation." -Joe Rigney, author of The Things of Earth and Live Like a Narnian and professor at Bethlehem College and Seminary


Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
David U.
Great read

This isn’t really that hard and this book does a great job.

Alanson S.

Wonderful introduction to the issues

Casey C.
Broad Discussion Prompts

I thought this was a very good resource for culture engaging churches. It deals with far more than church music, and I see that as helpful.

Joshua P.
Doug's Opinion and Other Points

Doug makes some good points in the book but alot of it seems to be his opinion. A strong case can't be made that all Christian Contemporary can't be used in worship services by scripture.
I will explain why I believe some Christian Contemporary music should be allowed.
I attended a church that only allowed hymns to be sung for Sunday worship. At first I accepted the way it was but as time went on and I started to become interested in joining the music ministry I was discouraged that I wasn’t able to serve in ways I would normally be able to. I say this because I have trouble reading music and the Lord has gifted me in performing music by playing by ear and following simplified music sheets. A lot of Christian Contemporary Songs are made with this in mind. Another point to consider is that David, Jesus, Paul, and Silas did not read music in the Bible when it is recorded that they were singing. Our modern music language was developed later. Although I am sure that Jesus can read it.
I have written songs that would be considered Christian Contemporary. These songs are inspired by God like many contemporary artists. New songs are a good thing and supported by scripture.

Psalm 33:3 ESV says “Sing to him a new song, play skillfully with loud shouts.

If some contemporary songs are allowed it could be encouraging to new people in the church in the future. A member of the church may wanting to share their gift to edify the church through contemporary songs. Not being able to do so is very discouraging. I know this from my own experience and from the experience of one of my friends.

1 Corinthians 12:14-21 ESV
14 For the body does not consist of one member but of many. 15 If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? 18 But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. 19 If all were a single member, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts,[b] yet one body.
21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.”
I believe this passage applies as some people are gifted with leading worship or contributing with their voice or an instrument via contemporary worship. Not valuing their gift by not allowing it is wrong.
Styles of music can be compared to a language. Some people can speak English well. Some people cannot. Imagine telling someone that English is the only language that should be spoken and every other language someone speaks is wrong. That would be terrible. I understand that not everybody likes contemporary music but not everybody likes hymns either, so it is not about taste. One can say that they like one over another, but one should not say that one is more morally acceptable than another. I do not like the sound of the French language but that does not mean that I think that it is bad to speak the language.

I also want to make it clear that I do value hymns so I am not saying that we should get rid of them. I am suggesting that theologically sound God inspired contemporary song to be played as well. I do understand that there are contemporary songs that do not glorify God. However, the same can be said about hymns. I have seen in a hymnal a song that glorifies America. That should not be there as hymns are supposed to be glorifying God. I believe that songs should be chosen on a case by case basis based on the lyrics. We should not throw out the baby with the bath water.

Joshua Paul Pritchett

Pierre Q.

Church Music and the Other Kinds

Katelyn S.

Church Music and the Other Kinds

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