The Canon Journal

All of Christ for All of Life

Aerius & Markita

So my exhortation to both of you as you make these promises today is to look to Jesus who is your co-signer, your guarantor, the One who will always back...

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Mark & Hannah

Mark & Hannah, as you begin your life together today, I call you to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. But I exhort you in the...

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Jake & Beth

Jake and Beth, you’ve been together for a while, but today you are formally beginning to build your house together. I hardly know you, but honestly, I want your house...

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Zach & Faith

Zach and Faith, may your home be an Eden, and may your marriage bed be a garden where you love one another without shame, and may that peace and joy...

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Kaleb & Jesse

Kaleb and Jessie, in God’s providence you were born into homes where the grace of Jesus was lived and loved and shared. And by God’s grace, you have partaken of...

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Fraser & Bobbi

The founding of the holy city, the New Jerusalem, is like a wedding. I want to suggest to you today that the converse as actually also true: a wedding is...

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Jeremiah & Leslie - Made to Hunt Treasure

Jeremiah, you were made to work. You were made to create. You were made to rule in this world as a King in our Lord Jesus. It’s the glory of...

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Daniel & Claire

Daniel and Claire, you know well Paul’s command to husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her. But I wonder if we often...

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