The Canon Journal

All of Christ for All of Life

Justin & Morgan - The Economics of Marriage

Marriage is an economic reality. Every wedding is an economic transaction and creation. The word “economy” itself comes from the Greek word that meant “household management.” An economy literally is...

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Nathan & Julie - The Play of Christian Marriage

Nathan and Julie, you have your lives ahead of you, and in the Lord Jesus Christ, you have endless life ahead of you. You have been begotten again by the...

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Austin & Laura

Austin and Laura, you are becoming King and Queen to one another and for one another and all that God gives you. But the exhortation is to cultivate healing and...

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Chris & Abby

Dying to self, living for each other – Chris loving, Abby submitting – this is the daily martyrdom that Jesus calls every husband and wife to. But this is the...

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Brian and Kelly

As I’ve meditated on Deut. 7 and thought about what I would say to you, Brian and Kelly, I’ve thought that this really is a great wedding text. I think...

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CJ & Lisa

CJ, I call you to preach like Adam. May your songs of love for Lisa always simultaneously be sermons declaring the gospel of the love of God in the cross...

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Matt & Michelle - Power: Like a Bridegroom Coming Out of His Chamber

Matt, I charge you to love your wife as God has loved this world, as Christ has loved the church, as the Spirit has glorified all things. I charge you...

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Ty & Lenora

A Christian wedding which invokes the Triune God, and appeals to His word for direction, for guidance, for definitions, for instructions, is a political act. For us to stand to...

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