The Canon Journal

All of Christ for All of Life

Ethan & Caroline - Polyphonic Love

Ethan and Caroline, Anymore, a wedding is a highly charged political statement. On the one hand, you have the complete abandonment of marriage for a many. For these people, a...

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David & Emily

There are only two ways to live, David and Emily, the way of bitterness and the way of forgiveness. The reason many people slide into the way of bitterness is...

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Jared & Janine

The fact that we’re standing here today like this, with smiles on our faces about to celebrate this particular marriage is a miracle. There’s no good reason for this. There’s...

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Ben & Lauryl - As Sarah Obeyed Abraham

There may be any number of startling moments in a Christian wedding, but perhaps the bride’s vow of obedience to her husband ranks among the most startling. So we should...

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Scott & Johannah - Weddings as Warfare

A Christian wedding is a declaration of war. In some ways, I wonder if it would be appropriate to paint our faces blue and have you yell your vows at the...

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Jonny & Maddie - The Gospel in Wedding Clothes

Jonny and Maddie, we often say that weddings are pictures of the gospel, and they are pictures of the gospel in many different ways. But I want to argue that...

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Santiago & Kate - Beauty on a Bloody Battleground

You are called to die. You are each called to give yourselves away, to give up your rights, to love and serve each other. But this is not a cruel calling....

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Tim & Kaylee - Hospitality is Not a Selfie on Instagram

 The hospitality of God is not a selfie on Instagram. It isn’t an edgy lifestyle with a gritty soundtrack playing in the background. The hospitality of God interrupted whole cultures,...

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