Let the Nations Say CHRIST IS LORD

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Canon Press

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The Case for Christian Nationalism

Evangelical elites and the progressive media complex want you to think that Christian nationalism is hopelessly racist, bigoted, and an idol for right-wing Christians. Is Christian nationalism the golden calf of the religious right—or is it the only way forward?

Few “experts” answering this question actually know what nationalism is–and even fewer know what could make it Christian. In The Case for Christian Nationalism, Stephen Wolfe offers a tour-de-force argument for the good of Christian nationalism, taken from Scripture and Christian thinkers ancient, medieval, and modern. Christian nationalism is not only the necessary alternative to secularism, it is the form of government we must pursue if we want to love our neighbors and our country.

Wolfe shows that the world’s post-war consensus has successfully routed the United States towards a gynocratic Global American Empire (GAE). Rather than the religious right’s golden calf, Christian nationalism is the idea that people in the same place and culture should live together and seek one another’s good. The grace of the gospel does not eliminate our geography, our people, and our neighbors. Instead, it restores us to pursue local needs and local leadership freely and without apology.

If you want to be able to answer the political debate raging today, you must understand the arguments in The Case for Christian Nationalism.

Includes The Companion to The Case for Christian Nationalism.

Mere Christendom

Christ conquered the West the first time. And this is how He’ll do it again.

And when He does it again, Christians must be ready to take the lead.

Jesus really is the answer to Taxes, Civil Resistance, and speech laws. However, Christians do not need another political platform. They need a plan. This book is that plan.

"If we succeed, this will not be Christian America. If we succeed, this will be the Christian America as the prodigal son, tired of the pig food, coming home to his father."

You may not live in Christendom now, but your great-grandkids could.

Empires of Dirt: Secularism, Radical Islam, and the Mere Christendom Alternative

As it self-destructs, the strategy of secularism (the idea that nations can be religiously neutral) is splitting between American exceptionalism and radical Islam. Neither are Christian.

American exceptionalism, the belief that America is more than a nation, is folly. Radical Islam is obviously wrong as well, but Muslims at least own the nature of the current cultural conflict: You must follow somebody, whether it's Allah, the State, or Jesus Christ. This important and timely book is an analysis of the changing face of religion and politics and also an extended argument for Christian expression of faith in Jesus Christ. This does not mean a withdrawal from politics to our own communities and churches. Instead, we Christians must take what we have learned from the wreck of secularism and build a Christendom of the New Foundation: A network of nations bound together by a formal, public, civic acknowledgement of the lordship of Jesus Christ and the fundamental truth of the Apostles' Creed. "And you could have it all, My empire of dirt...." ~ Nine Inch Nails; Johnny Cash

Slaying Leviathan: Limited Government and Resistance in the Christian Tradition

Christians first expressed these political truths under Caesars, kings, popes, and emperors. We need them in the age of presidents.

Leviathan is rising again, and the first weapon we must recover is the longstanding Christian tradition of resisting governmental overreach. Our bloated bureaucratic state would have been unrecognizable to the Founders, and our acquiescence to its encroachments on liberty would have infuriated them. But here is the point: our Leviathan would not have surprised them. They were well acquainted with the tendency of governments to turn tyrannical: “Eternal vigilance is the price we pay for liberty.”

In Slaying Leviathan, historian Glenn S. Sunshine surveys some of the stories and key elements of Christian political thought from Augustine to the Declaration of Independence. Specifically, the book introduces theories of limited government that were synthesized into a coherent political philosophy by John Locke. Locke, of course, influenced the American founders and was, like us, fighting against the spirit of Leviathan in his day. But his is only one of the many stories in this book.

Includes the Slaying Leviathan Group Discussion Guide.

"Despite its brevity, the Vindiciae’s sharp defense of the right of subjects to resist unjust or ungodly rulers even to the point of armed rebellion helped shape the political theories of John Locke in England and the American Founding Fathers.

Its arguments on the rights and responsibilities of rulers and subjects continue to be relevant today as we consider the limits of the power of the government and the rights of citizens to oppose governmental overreach." ~ Dr. Glenn Sunshine, from the Introduction

In 1572, Roman Catholic soldiers slaughtered thousands of French Huguenots for their Protestant faith.

This calamity forced many Protestants to ask whether taking up arms against a king was even lawful.

Many Christians thought that even in the case of persecution, kings had absolute power and lesser magistrates had no right to resist them. 

Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos: A Defense of Liberty Against Tyrants, written by an anonymous Huguenot, is a powerful tract that makes a case for why Christians can sometimes lawfully resist and fight against tyrants and persecutors of the faith.

The apostles told the Jews that they needed to obey God rather than man when it came to the Gospel, and to this day many Christians need to be reminded that men only derive their power from God and there are indeed times when resisting the authorities may be lawful and even biblically required.

This tract is thoroughly biblical and a great testament to the courage and convictions of our fathers in the faith.

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Based on 4281 reviews

To a Thousand Generations: Infant Baptism - Covenant Mercy for the People of God

Well written, nuanced, honest and theologically based. Excellent take on a rising trend in this current political climate.

Be a better reader by reading Naselli

Such an enjoyable read, an informative read, and a read that will (Lord willing) enable me to better glorify God in my reading.

How to Read a Book: Advice for Christian Readers

How to Read a Book: Advice for Christian Readers

It's Good to Be a Man Group Discussion Study Guide

A Companion to The Case for Christian Nationalism

The Bruised Reed

Great Stories; Font Struggles

We like the readers on the whole, but the italics have small flourishes that made some of the line characters looked like hooks.

Men and Marriage
Stephen D.
A timeless read

George Gilder is an intellectual giant able to take deep cultural and philosophical concepts and trace them all the way down to practical human experience. His thesis on men, women, and the essential nature of marriage as the building block of society, as well as proving all the ways that society goes wrong without monogamous, covanental marriage. Some of the statistics quoted are dated, which goes to show just how ahead of the time Gilder really was. If you didn’t know it, you could think that Gilder wrote the book today. Perhaps it’s not to late to learn from him and course correct our culture back towards men and marriage.

100 Cupboards Series Bundle

The Princess and the Goblin

Reforming Marriage: Gospel Living for Couples

Freedom from bitterness

This book takes a scalpel to the roots of bitterness that tangle themselves within a heart. I reread it about every 6 months. I have also ordered many to give away and keep it stocked in our church's resource area. I really cannot recommend this book enough.

Love this Psalter/hymnal

I really wanted to learn how to sing the psalms. I go to a Baptist Church. We sing some of these hymns but we never sing psalms so I wanted to learn how to do it with the help of this book and the videos online it's very helpful for learning.

Great Story and great animation

This is a fun book to read with the kids. The animation is top notch. It's a lot of fun to read over and over again.

Such an important message we Christian women need to hear. How DO we define ourselves? Rebecca uncovers the ways many of us have absorbed the world's definition of what we (women) should be, and how we can confidently stand firm in Christ's calling for women.

I listened to this and it was wonderful to hear Nancy's voice as she read it. Solid Biblical counsel from a wise, beautiful, older woman.

Love it! Helpful to drive home the main points of the chapter.

I loved the cover and anticipated equally humorous contents inside, intermingled with the truths of Scripture, however the contents, while true and important, didn’t grab one’s attention like I’d imagined it would. It’s easy enough to read (I read 45 pages in 30 minutes with decent retention), but I’m not excited about reading the last bit. I’ll still pass it on to my adult sons for their wives’ benefits.

Fantastic - must read

This book is three years of counseling in a very concise, clear, palatable read that brings hope into what may seem like a hopeless marriage. Even if your spouse won’t read it- this can change your marriage.


This book should be read every year.

Eve in Exile: The Restoration of Femininity

No Mere Mortals: Marriage for People Who Will Live Forever

Blah Blah Black Sheep