I purchased one of these when they first came out and have found the daily encouragement comes at just the right time. I have since bought several as gifts… for friends who are caregivers and those who are battling serious illness. They seem to be a welcome dose of encouragement to them. I also noticed the new metal spiral binding. I have not had any trouble with breakage on my plastic one, but with use, the metal looks like a great idea. Many thanks for all of the biblical wisdom shared in this calendar!
Thoroughly enjoyed "Consolation." The worldview guide was a helpful, but the text of this book is a pleasure to read. I would recommend it for any interested in analyzing the difficult questions raised by suffering from a philosophical vantage point. A relatively quicik read you can get through in few sittings.
I started reading the book but then I am listening to it as well. Doug hits spot on the issues of the day. I am evaluating myself even though most of my sons are out of the house- and are just starting families. I am giving them this book as a resource. Right up there with future men.
I was so blessed by this book. It was such a solid read that I bought a copy for each woman in my community group. I have thought back on it several times and have found it helpful to be more conscious of the spiritual battle that is always warring within us. My Dear Hemlock also reminds and encourages that those of us who are in Christ are being strengthened and sanctified; He will never let us out of His grasp.
I've worked through this book with my grandson. We meet most days for coffee and book discussion. He's grown more confident about his fitness as a husband in the future. He requested another go through. Great intro to dating and or courtship.
I am told they love the book!! I read it as well and it's very exciting and keeps you on your toes
This is the most wholesome dystopian book I've ever read, and it has an amazing ending that is very satisfying. Most dystopian books focus on how horrible life is, how hopeless it is, and how it beats down the little guy or turns him into a depraved or broken person. Not this book. It seems much more realistic, actually theoretically possible, and better portrays how people might actually act in such poor situations. A very fun book. It's a fast paced, engaging read but you might not want to keep this book in your bathroom to be considerate to your family members!
We love this curriculum. Very usable for a teacher who is learning with their kids. The flashcards and quizzes are well worth it too. Highly recommend!
The music is well laid out in this two volume book but the binding isn’t strong enough to hold the weight of the pages which flop over on the music rack occasionally.
Canon Press provided quick shipping and minimal, reusable packaging. We are so thankful to start this book in our first-ever, women’s Bible study at our church! Thank you Nancy Wilson for your faithfulness to God’s Word. Your obedience in teaching women is reaching folks all over the country, in unimaginable ways. God is GOOD!
Leadership and Emotional Sabotage: Resisting the Anxiety That Will Wreck Your Family, Destroy Your Church, and Ruin the World
My husband and I read this book together and absolutely loved it! What a breath of fresh air!
An excellent follow up to Tilt-a-whirl, Nate discusses how we should live while reminiscing on how those who went before him modeled it for him
Rigney does an excellent job of tracing God’s good graces from the beginning and showing balance between enjoying God’s world and keeping our eyes on what’s important.
Since my wife and I was familiar with Screwtape letters by C.S. Lewis and found out that this was a spin off of that book, I decided to buy for my wife. At the outset she was already excited about the creativity of making a Screwtape letters type of book for women. Tilly Dillehay did not disappoint in making this book. I never saw my wife read a book so quickly, she just couldn't put it down. It was so good as a husband hearing about the things she was learning from the book. From a husband to another husband who may be thinking about buying this book for your wife, you will not regret your decision.
I read it originally on Kindle and bought 2 copies following the first time I finished it. I passed one copy along to a man who recently became an elder in my church who is known for his discretion. Reading this book again with a pen.
It is powerful and hopeful, and yet extremely convicting and exposing how I have fallen short in the leadership of my family and church. I'm thankful its short because I have a hard time reading long books in this season of my life. I dont generally read books by people who are still alive, but this stood out to me and is much needed for our current times, and I believe will stand the test of time and be around for quite a while.
May God use this work to convict and transform his shepherds and people to live confidently in the glory and humility of the life He has called for us. Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run, with perseverence, the race marked out for us.