The Christian Education Blueprint (That Launched 500 Schools)

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Canon Press

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The tools that helped Christians stop wringing their hands about their kids' educations and actually do something about it.

Published almost twenty years ago, Douglas Wilson’s Case for Classical Christian Education is a call for parents and educators to do more than just teach kids how to read or to do math and science. Instead, parents and teachers need to educate children’s minds, hearts, and imaginations.

Both homeschooling parents and Christians seeking to build schools will find a lot of guidance from this book. Wilson explains the benefits of an education that is both distinctively classical and distinctively Christian and what such an education might look like. He also draws on years of educating and pastoring to talk about how parents and teachers can manage schools well and train their children’s hearts.

Education is not just preparing kids for the job market, but should be about instilling discipline, character, and love for God and the world He has made.

Thirty years ago, Doug Wilson wrote Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning so that Christian parents could stop wringing their hands at the deterioration of American education and actually do something to resist it.

That resistance begins with getting our children out of public secular schools, but it doesn't end there. We must also give our kids a thoroughly biblical education with the lordship of Jesus Christ at the center. The best structure for that education, Wilson argues, is the classical structure.

And so the classical Christian education movement in America was born. Since the publication of this book, hundreds of classical Christian schools have been started (both nationally and internationally), and hundreds of thousands of homeschooling families have turned to classical Christian education as well.

Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning , originally published by Crossway in 1991, has been republished by Canon Press.

Based on 4939 reviews

An excellent follow up to Tilt-a-whirl, Nate discusses how we should live while reminiscing on how those who went before him modeled it for him

Confirmed my belief

Rigney does an excellent job of tracing God’s good graces from the beginning and showing balance between enjoying God’s world and keeping our eyes on what’s important.

My Dear Hemlock: Group Discussion Guide

My Dear Hemlock
Xavier H.
I bought it for my wife and she loved it!

Since my wife and I was familiar with Screwtape letters by C.S. Lewis and found out that this was a spin off of that book, I decided to buy for my wife. At the outset she was already excited about the creativity of making a Screwtape letters type of book for women. Tilly Dillehay did not disappoint in making this book. I never saw my wife read a book so quickly, she just couldn't put it down. It was so good as a husband hearing about the things she was learning from the book. From a husband to another husband who may be thinking about buying this book for your wife, you will not regret your decision.


I read it originally on Kindle and bought 2 copies following the first time I finished it. I passed one copy along to a man who recently became an elder in my church who is known for his discretion. Reading this book again with a pen.

It is powerful and hopeful, and yet extremely convicting and exposing how I have fallen short in the leadership of my family and church. I'm thankful its short because I have a hard time reading long books in this season of my life. I dont generally read books by people who are still alive, but this stood out to me and is much needed for our current times, and I believe will stand the test of time and be around for quite a while.

May God use this work to convict and transform his shepherds and people to live confidently in the glory and humility of the life He has called for us. Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run, with perseverence, the race marked out for us.

Cantus Christi 2020 Piano Version (2-part Spiral Bind)

The Femina Daily Quote Calendar

Great book

It was easy to read and really hard to put down. We read it through with our Elders!

Crispin's Rainy Day

Three Treatises
Jay a.D.M.

Luther's comments are pertinent for today.

Finally a picture book with a good story!

After finishing this book, my three year old uttered an “Amen!” and I couldn’t agree more.

Crispin's Rainy Day
Ilerioluwa O.
Loved by young and old

Both I and my children (ages 3,5, and 7) love this book. There are some books that are a slog as a parent to get through. This is not one of those. You will love it and so will your kids. Surprisingly humorous too. There is a page that always gets a laugh.

Loved the title.

Excellent “road map commentaries” on Paul’s epistles thus far. Great group study material! Through this commentary, was introduced to R. Kent Hughes. Grateful for Doug’s ministry and canon press!

We are loving this book. The stories are well thought out and have created great discussion with our children.

My Dear Hemlock
Teresa O.

My Dear Hemlock

Great Hat

Thanks for making a great hat!

Unique approach, solidly biblical.

Very helpful, touches on things that I’ve never seen in other far more popular marriage books. Solidly biblical.

Best children’s Dragon Story

I recently was exposed to the disappointing movie, How to Train a Dragon. It was demoralizing and terribly confusing for young Christian minds who are drawn in by the beautiful animation and empathy with God’s creatures. In contrast, Crispin’s Rainy Day displays excellent art with a noble and realistic drama. The hero overcomes his own sin to win the day for a godly feminine hero who instructs me every time I think of her character. This is good art!

My Dear Hemlock
Mariel M.

Wonderful book for a young, married woman with a baby! I am now gifting it to friends.

My kid loves it

I enjoy waking up to a word of encouragement each day, and find myself revisiting it again at night.

Favorite Board Book!

All our kids, both boys and girls, have loved Hello Ninja! We buy it for all the babies we know!