The Mere Commentary Bundle

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Canon Press

This bundle is hand-picked to help you apocalypse-proof your family. Get yours before it's gone.

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NOTE: If you saw the email for this, you may notice books are missing here. The original bundle sold out, so it was modified so you can still get this bundle under the tree.

A House for My Name

The best stories subtly weave themes and characters and symbols into a stunning final tapestry. In this Canon Press bestseller, Leithart shows that the Bible is the best story.

For many Christians, sadly, the Old Testament is merely a jumble of moralistic stories and weird rituals, genealogies, and historical chronicles. What is the point of it all, and what does it have to do with Jesus?

In this short and readable book, Leithart gives a sweeping overview of the Bible, its stories, and the patterns and symbols that recur throughout it, highlighting the ways many of the little stories look forward to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Himself.

Although the book is lots of fun, the lessons it teaches are far from trivial. The Gospels say again and again Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Christians need to learn to read the Old Testament the way Jesus and the Apostles read it, so that we can delight in the word of God and encounter Him in its stories. This book can be read easily by high school students and includes review questions for anyone who wants to use it in their curriculum. However, it will also give anyone familiar with Scripture much to think about. "And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself" (Lk 24:27).

Also includes the Question and Answer Book

A Son to Me: An Exposition of 1&2 Samuel

The books of Samuel—familiar stories like David and Goliath, Saul and Jonathan, Absalom and Joab—look forward to Jesus, the son of David.

In this book, Peter Leithart offers a typological reading of Samuel as a unified book. By giving careful attention to the book's literary structures and patterns of types and antitypes, Leithart reveals the deeper meanings within the text. Not only does he show how the life of David not only has lessons for us in how to live our own lives, but he also shows how the books of Samuel look forward to the suffering and glorification of Jesus Himself.


The Modernized Geneva Bible: New Testament

The 1599 Geneva Bible is a remarkable Bible for many reasons: it was the first English Bible translated entirely from the Hebrew and the Greek, it was the first Bible with chapter and verse divisions, it was the first with a legible font, and the first with maps, notes, and chronologies and indices. Most importantly, it was intended not for displaying in churches, but for family reading.

With this in mind, the Modernized Geneva Bible (MGB) updates archaic syntax, spelling, and vocabulary of the first iconic Geneva version, allowing you to read without distraction the most important English Bible of the Reformation: The Geneva went into battle with the Puritans in the English Civil War, the Geneva made enemies of popes and kings across Europe, and the Geneva even went to America with the Pilgrims. 

But the MGB New Testament is not a facsimile edition intended for scholars of the Reformation. The thirteen thin volumes of the MGB New Testament are meant for one thing only: to be pulled off the shelf and read again and again; to be dog-eared and written in; to be consumed. We Christians learn to desire the pure milk of the Word as newborn infants (1 Pet. 2:2), for without feeding our souls we cannot grow spiritually.

Every design decision for this MGB New Testament was made to encourage daily Bible reading:

  • Readers’ format makes the Bible easy to read compared to a typical two-columned Bible with economy-size font;
  • Unlike most other readers’ editions, the MGB retains chapter and verse markings to allow you to keep track of Bible reading plans or sermon references;
  • The thirteen thin volumes are easy to finish in a sitting or two (an average reader can complete the shortest volume in 30 minutes, the longest in just over 2 hours);
  • Creamy text stock and flexible paperback bindings are easy to hold;
  • Lined note pages and reading logs for each volume allow you to make the MGB New Testament your own;
  • Beautiful, textured, and foil-stamped slipcase makes the MGB NT elegant and easy to store.

The Geneva’s original translators—Englishmen in exile from their homeland in Geneva—followed the work of William Tyndale, who famously vowed that he would help even the lowly farm boys to know more Scripture than the scholars of his time. Amen and amen!

The 27 books of the New Testament are separated into thirteen slim volumes for the MGB:

  1. Matthew (96 pgs)
  2. Mark (72 pgs)
  3. Luke (104 pgs)
  4. John (80 pgs)
  5. Acts (104 pgs)
  6. Romans (48 pgs)
  7. Corinthians (72 pgs)
  8. Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians (48 pgs)
  9. Colossians, Philemon, and Thessalonians (48 pgs)
  10. Timothy and Titus (48 pgs)
  11. Hebrews (48 pgs)
  12. James, Peter, and Jude (48 pgs)
  13. Epistles of John & Revelation (80 pgs)


The Victory According to Mark: An Exposition of the Second Gospel

What do the words "Gospel" and "Son of God" mean? We are so familiar with them that we fail to look at what they meant in the original context.

Mark's Gospel is sometimes assumed to be the least interesting or helpful gospel because it is the shortest and speaks in a plain and direct style. Mark Horne helps us better appreciate this gospel's goals by highlighting features not immediately apparent to the modern eye.

Horne uses its Old Testament and first-century context to point out the typological roles that Jesus, John, and the disciples fulfill as the new leaders of their nation, a period when the old Israel was both restored and redefined. He shows the gospel's intricate structures of miracle cycles and other events that bring out the major themes of calling and restoration, all playing into the kingship and triumph of Christ.

This devotional-style commentary enables the reader to see through the gospel of Mark's humble exterior into the riches that lie beneath.

Joy at the End of the Tether: The Inscrutable Wisdom of Ecclesiastes

This is a book for every fool who loves Jesus.

The book of Ecclesiastes is confusing to many believers, who see it as a debate between an untrustworthy nihilist and a genuinely wise man who trust in God instead of giving way to despair. However, Douglas Wilson takes issue with this interpretation, arguing that the author of Ecclesiastes is looking at the world with biblically informed vision. Because God is sovereign and will one day judge all men and restore the world, believers can work, rejoice, marry, eat, and worship God in hope.


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Based on 4501 reviews

This book was tremendously insightful! I bought a copy to pass along, because it was such a blessing to me!

These books I bought are my three year olds favorite books now.

Great book and illustrations

Great art and a great story on our aging courage and getting along with your siblings, would highly recommend!

An excellent collection of songs worth singing

What a delight to see all of this great musical treasure I’ve been ignorant of for most of my life! I’ve only just started going through the music, but it has been encouraging and fun to see how saints from the past (and present) have been flexing their creative muscle to help us find the right tunes and lyrics to praise our great God. And a Psalter! What better way to “store up Thy word in my heart”?

The Grammar of Spelling

Crispin's Rainy Day
Meredith R.
What a fun adventure!!!

I bought this book for my youngest son and daughter! They loved it! My son enjoys reading it to himself (he just learned to read)! It is very well written and inspiring!

Required Reading

Read it. You are required to. Don’t believe me? Read it and find out.

Great intro into the subject.

Well who the heck is Gashmu?! His option doesn’t matter, this book clarifies that and serves to whet the appetite of those interested in building New Christendom. Easy quick read. Do it.

Nothing Short of a Masterpiece

This book is an absolute gem. We've only had it in our home for about a week, but it has instantly become our favorite go-to storybook we read night after night. It's a mark of its quality that neither my children (nor I!) have gotten even the slightest bit sick of it after 20+ reads. My children are ages 4-8, boys and girls, and they all love it.

The art is simply stunning, with so many little details to look at on every page. Every single picture is like its own art piece I would want to hang on my wall, and each is so captivating and tells an entire story in and of itself.

The writing doesn't slouch, either. Every phrase and rhyme is carefully crafted and is a delight to read aloud, while moving the story forward at just the right pace. The story is neither too long nor too short. You might say it is the perfect pace and the perfect length. It's satisfying, but it doesn't overstay its welcome. I particularly love one spread of pages in which Forrest (the author and illustrator) uses the lightning sound effects on the page as part of the rhyme scheme with the narration. It's just simply *chef's kiss*

This book is an absolute classic that I plan on passing down to my grandchildren and hopefully their grandchildren. As Forrest Dickison's first complete work of his own (as both author and illustrator) I would say he simply smashed it right out of the park, and I can't wait to see what's next. Don't hesitate. BUY THIS BOOK!

Delightful Story, Words and Pictures

My entire family loved this book. The art is fantastic, the language is rich, and the story (and "moral") are just fantastic. We especially loved the expressions on the Cranky Danky Dragon throughout. It's such a satisfying (and edifying) read!

Hello Ninja (w/ slight imperfections)

Awesome book

Gave this to my son for his fifth birthday. Great story! Lots of teachable lessons in this one. Forrest’s artwork in here is top notch as well.


To the Church in Rome: A Commentary on Paul's Greatest Epistle

Very well written!

This book fits its purpose well! It should be one of many that a curious Christian reads while investigating the Biblical merits of infant baptism and presents arguments often overlooked or forgotten in more comprehensive takes. Extremely grateful for Pastor Wilson’s insights from Scripture!

Great informative book

I bought this book for my sister, and she enjoyed it and learned a lot from it. She would recommend it for all young Reformed Christian Women. Feminists could learn a lot.

Storybook Latin 1: Fables

Cantus Christi Piano Edition

Every piano and every pianist needs one.

Super helpful!

Have been considering switching over. It’s super helpful to see the lesson plans and year layout- have a better picture before purchasing

Very beneficial!

This book has been very helpful to me as a young, growing Christian. It presents key biblical insights on marriage that the Church has seemed to have lost sight of. This book along with others from the family series has given me a target to shoot for. By God’s grace I will walk in this wisdom.

Great story with multiple layers of depth. Beautiful illustrations.

Putting legs to the principles of Wisdom

My wife and I read this book together and found it very helpful in making proverbs applicable to everyday life. We both especially loved the last two chapters about the “the woman who fears the Lord” and “the fear of the Lord.” Overall excellent work and I would highly recommend to anyone who is interested in pursuing Christ and His wisdom.

Covers the essentials well

Although short it covers the essentials well and would be especially good for those not well versed in covenant theology.

I am still working on it. Busy summer. It has been so helpful to me. I have a Catholic brother and we are always getting into discussions. Some parts are a little too deep for me but it is still a great resource. Thank you!

The best book for my boys, giving them an examples on how to control their emotions. Love it